Action plan!


This is nice, I’m sitting by the beach again with a kitty curled up on my lap. I really felt awful last night, so I’m glad that today I’m feeling a little better! My constant mood fluctuations are extremely irritating and difficult but I’m getting used to them and can sort of predict when they’re coming!

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Parsley the turtle…


I got a turtle 🙂 Well my boyfriend got a turtle, that lives in his bedroom but he’s mine too (he has no choice…)

Back from Cyprus, back to life. I didn’t get a job I was really hoping I would, which is annoying as I really need the money right now. I think I’m just waiting for things to come to me or for the right moment to start doing all the things I should be doing – THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN WOMAN.

Time to get off my butt, stop writing endless lists of what I need to do and just bloomin’ get on with it. I refuse to one day look back on my life and realise I wasted so much time waiting around and not simply going out there and grabbing what I want with all my might.