Action plan!


This is nice, I’m sitting by the beach again with a kitty curled up on my lap. I really felt awful last night, so I’m glad that today I’m feeling a little better! My constant mood fluctuations are extremely irritating and difficult but I’m getting used to them and can sort of predict when they’re coming!

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Beach body ready? … F*ck off.

So three weeks of sun, sea and sand eh? I’ve been dreading this holiday for a little while now as I am far from beach body ready, but am far too lazy to do anything about it. Cyprus is hotter than ever and still full of lovely tanned, skinny girls. But you know what who bloody well cares??? (Well me… but I’m slowly getting a grip on my insecurities.) I thought that as I am in a hot country where shorts and bikinis seam mandatory, that I would write a little about my experiences and thoughts on body image.

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